[위키] 메트로이드 프라임/ 로그북-조인족 비문
조인족 비문 해독 #6 - 퍼져가는 악몽 (Spreading Evil)
2011. 7. 20. 10:11
[퍼져가는 악몽]
운석으로 부터 나온 이 독성은 탤런 전체를 악몽에 휩싸이게 만들었다.
독성은 살아있는 모든 생명체와 식물들 그리고 물 마져 더럽히고 오염시켰다.
이 과정중에 평화로웠던 수천 마리의 생물들이 죽어갔고,
살아남은 일부 생명체들은 독에 의해 변종되어 사악하게 변해갔다.
우리는 이 사건이야 말로 우주가 우리 조인족에게 준 시련이라고 생각했다.
우리 조인족의 사명은 바로 이 '거대한 재앙'을 해결하는 것이었다.
* 본 번역 내용은 일본판 내용과 북미판 내용을 토대로 번역된 것으로
하단에 적혀있는 영문 원본 텍스트의 번역 내용과 상이할 수 있습니다.
[Spreading Evil]
The cries of this dying land echo in our ears as we Chozo
watch the Great Poison seep ever further into the living pulse of the planet.
The dark energy sinks into the trees and waters, devouring all life.
Peaceful beasts die by the thousands - some creatures survive,
but their forms grow as twisted and evil as the force that fell from the sky.
Many of these mutated monstrosities remain small enough to do little harm,
but others grow enourmous and threaten our very existence.
One such beast defiles our sacred fountain, disgorging poison from its foul form,
replacing pure, flowing water with cascades of creeping death.
Even in the face of such horror, we Chozo do not turn in fear.
We are all that stands in the way of this Great Poison, and it is our duty to contain it.
watch the Great Poison seep ever further into the living pulse of the planet.
The dark energy sinks into the trees and waters, devouring all life.
Peaceful beasts die by the thousands - some creatures survive,
but their forms grow as twisted and evil as the force that fell from the sky.
Many of these mutated monstrosities remain small enough to do little harm,
but others grow enourmous and threaten our very existence.
One such beast defiles our sacred fountain, disgorging poison from its foul form,
replacing pure, flowing water with cascades of creeping death.
Even in the face of such horror, we Chozo do not turn in fear.
We are all that stands in the way of this Great Poison, and it is our duty to contain it.